
Home made Karivepillai Podi & Curry Leaf Rice

Home mades are always Best and you need not shed extra money to vendor's for the old packed one's. With this Curry Leaf Powder, iam starting to prepare all my podi at home.
My ammumma prepares and sends me this Karivepillai podi when i was in hostel. My bottle of curry leaf powder get's over within 2 day's, which the same bottle, now takes a month to finish at home. I also add this Karivepillai podi to my Kuzhambhu, which really enhance the taste and makes the kuzhambhu little thick.

The Recipe is so simple with just four ingredient's. Curry Leaf, Tuvar Dal, Urad Dal and Pepper. Are you wondering about other ingredient's...Curry Leaf is flavourfull and digestion friendly Leaf. so there is no need for Dhania/Corriander Seed's and Cumin. If you want a bit of tangy taste, add a bit of tamarind and Grind along with other ingredient's. Since we add Pepper, its a great appetizer starter.

Home made Karivepillai Podi

Simple and Easy Curry Leaf Powder Recipe:


2 Cup's of Curry Leaf (Washed and Drain)
1 Cup of Tuvar Dal / thuvaram paruppu
1 Cup of whole Urad Dal / muzhu ulundhu
1 Tbsp of Pepper
1 Tbsp of Rock Salt

Method of Preparation:

* First wash the curry leaves thoroughly and drain them and Dry under sun for about 1 hour.

* In a Pan, Fry the Tuvar Dal and Urad Dal till they attain golden color. Remove and cool.

* Fry Pepper till they get heated and start's popping up. Remove and cool.

* Fry the Dried Curry leaves in slow flame for half a minute, till they emit nice aroma.

* Now Cool them all and Grind along with Rock Salt. Grind them into fine powder.

Curry Leaf Rice:

Curry Leaf Rice

When you want to mix this Karivepakku podi with Rice, add little oil(sesame oil preferred) to the rice and cool it for 5 minutes. then mix the Karivepakku Podi with Rice. add a bit of ghee when you are mixing for kid's.

karivepillai sadham

This is Best with Idli, Dosa's and when you have it as Curry Leaf Rice, add Roasted Peanut's to get a crunch in between. it can be served along with Mixture.

Now Iam sending this Curry Leaf Rice to Nag's for her MM-Ravishing Rice event started by Meeta and to Sowmya for her SWC-Green's event.
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