Okay soooo my question is:
a.) Have I been using cucumbers incorrectly all these years
b.) They are talking about the vegetable right?

Why am I finding this to be totally comical! I wish my husband would have the balls to seduce me with soft candlelight ,smooth jazz, exotic wine and then for the grand finale... bring out a tray of damn cucumbers!

Is this study like for real? There is nothing a cucumber can do for me but remove these circles from under my eyes, add crunch to my salad or lay it's ass down in some vinegar.
So ladies, do cucumbers really getcha in the mood?????????
Maybe I 'm just missing something here.
OMG I find this picture to be HILARIOUS!

Ok it is obvious that I do not have the maturity to write this article so I will stop now.
I'm going to enjoy me a cucumber.
But not before I list The TOP 10 REAL Aphrodisiacs for Women compiled by REAL Women
1.) Fresh, Clean Smelling Cologne
2.) The sight of a good credit score
3.) Shoe Shopping
4.) Seeing a sexy man do housework with his shirt off
5.) Male Body Parts- Shoulders, Top of the Pelvic bone peeking above boxers, Abs, Booty.
6.) A man involved in the arts and is a pro (singing, dancing, cooking pottery, poetry, painting, etc.)
7.) Communication
8.) Chivalry
9.) Loyalty
If you want to read more about unusual aphrodisiacs check out sciencediscovery.com. One of my favorites was "a breastfeeding woman and her new baby" HOT DAMN I MADE THE LIST!!!
Ok take a number who wants to smell me!
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