

Use one pint of stale bread broken in crumbs, one quart of milk, two eggs, half a teaspoonful of salt, half a teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, three tablespoonfuls of sugar and two ounces of  Chocolate, grated. Put the bread, milk, cinnamon, and chocolate in a bowl, and soak for two or three hours. Beat together the eggs, sugar, and salt. Mash the soaked bread with a spoon, and add the egg mixture to the bread and milk. Pour into a pudding-dish, and bake in a slow oven for about forty minutes. Serve with an egg sauce or a vanilla cream sauce.

EGG SAUCE.—Beat the whites of two eggs to a stiff, dry froth; and beat into this, a little at a time, one cupful of powdered sugar. When smooth and light, add one teaspoonful of vanilla and the yolks of two eggs. Beat the mixture a little longer; then stir in one cupful of whipped cream or three tablespoonfuls of milk. Serve at once.

VANILLA CREAM SAUCE.—Beat to a cream three tablespoonfuls of butter, and gradually beat into this two-thirds of a cupful of powdered sugar. When this is light and creamy, add a teaspoonful of vanilla; then gradually beat in two cupfuls of whipped cream. Place the bowl in a pan of boiling water, and stir constantly for three minutes. Pour the sauce into a warm bowl, and serve.

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