
Moraccan Spice Mix

Moraccan Food are real worth of trying it. i gathered the trust over moraccan food, after making moraccan spice mix. Moraccan spice mix is a mix of our Indian Garam Masala and Sambhar Masala. The flavour's in Moraccan Spice Mix speak's for its unique blend of spices.

This Moraccan Spice Mix can be added to vegetables like carrot, butternut squash, eggplant and roasted. also this can be added to Soup's. I Prepared Tomato Rice and Roasted Carrot's with these Moraccan Spice Mix. It really add's magical taste to all the dish'es. So here iam sharing my version of Moraccan Spice Mix.

Moraccan Spice Ingredients

Ingredients starting from bottom Left to Right:

Corriander Seed's - 1 tbsp
Cloves - 1 tsp
Cumin - 1 tsp
Cayenne/Chilli Powder - 1 tbsp
Black Pepper - 1 tsp
Green Cardamon- 3
Black Cardamom - 2
Cinnamon - 2'inch in length
Dry Ginger - 1'inch in length

All Spice - 1 tsp ( i did'nt have this)

The basic formula for the spice mix is, Cayenne/Chilli Powder and Corriander seed's should be of same amount and double that of other spice's.

How to Blend the Spices?

First Ground the Dry Ginger and sieve it to fine powder. (You can also use dry Ginger Powder Instead)

Moraccan Spice on MortarAdd all the ingredient's to your mixer grinder or mortor and grind them into fine powder.

Sieve them to remove the skin's of cardamom's. sieve them to fine powder. Store it in Air-tight Container.

Moraccan Spice

For Carrot Roast's, check kalyn's blog.

Now, This Moraccan Spice Blend is for IAVW-Moraccan on my Part.

moracco logo

Have Fun and Enjoy...

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