
Saveur, the Texas issue

Do you love Texas food as much as I do? Then check out the June issue of Saveur, a special edition devoted to the Lone Star State.

You’ll find a beautiful portrait of West Texas border food, a convincing argument to eat okra, a history of chuck wagon cooking, stunning photos by Penny De Los Santos, excellent writing by Robb Walsh, Patricia Sharpe and Alison Cook, and recipes galore.

Oh, and there’s also a fine essay (if I say so myself) by yours truly, your favorite Homesick Texan food blogger.

But the most exciting thing for me is seeing my Texas-shaped cake pan in the magazine. My grandma baked a big cookie into this pan and mailed it to me when I first moved away from Texas. She wrote, “I’m sending this to you so you’ll always remember where you came from.” As you can see, it’s an oft-used and well-loved treasure. And I may be biased, but I can think of no better way to illustrate a section entitled, “Twenty-four reasons why we love Texas.” Can you?

So a big hearty howdy if you’re coming here for the first time—happy reading and eating!
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