

2 tablespoonfuls of butter,
1/3 a cup of sugar,
1 egg,
¼ a teaspoonful of salt,
1 cup of scalded milk,
2 compressed yeast cakes softened in ½ a cup of warm water,
¼ a teaspoonful of extract cinnamon,
½ a cup of Baker's Breakfast Cocoa,
3 ½ to 4 cups of flour.

Mix in order given, having dough as soft as can be handled, turn onto moulding board, roll into a square about an inch in thickness, sprinkle on one-half cup of currants, fold the sides to meet the centre, then each end to centre, and fold again. Roll as at first, using another one-half cup currants, fold, roll and fold again. Place in a bowl which is set in pan of warm water, let raise forty minutes. Shape, place in pan, let raise until doubled in size. Bake fifteen to twenty minutes. As you take from oven, brush the top with white of one egg

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