Here is out beautiful bride, Diana, in the appartment before we headed off to the wedding itself in our fancy pants limo.

And here are the beautiful bridesmaids! Leish, Dana and myself.
I of course have no photos of the wedding itself, as I was in it. After the wedding we went off the have photos on the rocks at the beach - where I seriously froze to death! We were provided snacks including vegan spring rolls (a bit smooshy) and samosas (sensational). Then it was back to the reception for the party!

Here was my entree, and a pretty decent sized entree it was! It was just some penne pasta in a tomato and olive sauce, with whole cloves of roasted garlic. Fairly standard, but not bad at all. And hurrah for no salads!

The main course was a lentil daal with rice. It was pretty nice, again pretty standard. But a decent serving size! I wish I had some greens though. Scurvy! Scurvy!

Here is the (non-vegan) wedding cake. But wait... what is that on the cake? Is that a bride and groom...

Nope. It is a Dalek and a Cyberman! Whovians unite! Now would be the time to mention to those who don't know that we are all GIANT sci-fi geeks. Hee!

Beware of the zobie bridesmaids! THRILLER! Yeah. Thank goodness. Because MJ had passed away just the week before the only music playing on the TV when we were getting ready was various MJ countdowns. And the number one was apparently Man In The Mirror? What?!? I think not. At least the DJ obliged us!

Then it was back to the table for dessert. The vegan option was Sticky Date Pudding with Butterscotch Sauce. It was an appreciated effort and not too bad, but it had that slightly grainy slightly not right texture of amateur vegan cooking. Still, beats the heck out of a fruit salad on a cold winter night!

And here is our happy couple having a wonderful time!

And here is my favourite photo of all! The husband and wife, exhausted and happy back at the room after the wedding. Awwwww.....
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