
AusNZVeganMoFo: Brinner time!

Brinner. Breakfast for dinner. Apparently, according to the world of Turk in Scrubs, brinner is the pinnacle of awesome. Brunch is taking the vegan world by storm at the moment, but in the generally working week brunch-time is usually work time. So should brunch dishes be kept only for weekends? No... bring on Brinner!

I made this a while ago. It's not from where you think. Even though I had actually received my copy of Vegan Brunch a few days before making this, this particular menu comes courtesy of another of Isa's babies - Veganomicon.

First, take some Diner Home Fries. These are amazing. They are a little bit oily, a little bit salty and a whole lot of good. You should really make them anytime. Go and make some now! I left out the green capsicum.

Next, add a big wedge of Mushroom and Spinach Strata. This was not bad, but I found the chunks of bread mixed through it to be a bit odd in the overall texture.

Then put them both on a plate, add a green leafy salad and smother in some Cheezy Sauce. And then sit back and enjoy!

For dessert, make some Chocolate Chip Brownie Waffles topped with ice cream, fruit and maple syrup. These are incredibly decadent and and just ridiculously yummy. Any leftovers are great eaten cold straight from the fridge. Addictive, chocolate goodness!

Cute Cat Photo of the Post

This is Pandora. She belongs to my lovely friend Jen (of the small variety). This photo was taken the night before said Jen's wedding. Panda (as she is known), was lying on her back giving me this adorable little look.

There will be a short interlude in AusNZVeganMoFo posts as this afternoon I am off to the Gold Coast for a girls weekend with the Jens. I will be back on Sunday afternoon though, so expect more from me either then or on Monday. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
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