
AusNZVeganMoFo: Momentous Moments

Today is special for a few reasons - it is the last day of AusNZVeganMoFo (which has single-handedly reignited my passion for blogging), it is one year and ten days since I first started this blog (and was convinced that no one ever would read it, so a huge thank you to those that do and who comment as well!) and it is my 100th post!

No amazing new photos or revelations. If you can believe it my flickr pro account has expired today and though I have just renewed it, it takes a while before you can access it - so no new photo uploads for me!

Instead, I show you this - the photo from my first blog post:

Raspberry Blackout Cake with Ganache Frosting from that wonderful book, Vegan With A Vengeance!

And, some photos of the ones that are closest to my heart:

My beautiful girls!

Just a quick post today, as I am on call at the clinic after a long day! Tomorrow is another great day - the start of worldwide VeganMoFo! Tomorrow when I have some time, I am hoping to get a chance to share my story of veganism with you. It is not something I have really spoken about before! So I hope to share with some of you soon!

(P.S. I am way behind on my Google Reader, I shall be reading and commenting on everyone's blogs over the next day or two, promise!)
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