
The Most Delicious Minted Green Peas Puree

Since I first tasted this recipe at the hotel's restaurant in Budapest a year ago, I've been trying to perform it at home and last spring I achieved the best results! It is so simple and delicious :D. Of course, if you can get fresh peas is much better, but the ones you find frozen can also work well for this.

In my last post you saw some of the herbs and plants I have in my terrace and I didn't show you the mint, but I have some too. The mint goes so well with the green peas,  it gives them a wonderful scent.
I didn't get the blood rice sausage in my Budapest's meal but I thought it would be the perfect counterpoint to highlight the puree. I know Janet is crazy about Morcilla, so... Janet, this recipe is for you... hope you also enjoy the green peas ;D.
So, let's wash our hands (Flu is right there in the corner ;D) and go for the recipe!

Ingredients for 4 servings: 400 grs of fresh green peas (or frozen), 2 medium onions, 1 potatoe, 3 glasses of chicken stock aprox., 4 to 5 branches of fresh mint, 10 olive oil spoons, 200 ml. of cooking cream, salt and pepper. 350 grs. of rice morcilla.

  • Get the chicken stock in a pot and bring to boil. 
  • Peel and chop the onions. Reserve. Peel and cut the potatoe. Reserve.
  • Pour 3 olive oil spoons inside a deep pot and fry at low heat the onions 5 to 6 minutes. Pour the peas and potatoe in, stir for 1 minute and pour the hot stock in. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • If your peas are frozen, pour them in just 5 minutes before the potatoes are done.
  • Get all the mint leaves clean and dry and put inside a pot together with the rest of the oil. Blend until you get a fine green oil.
  • Pour half of the mint oil into the peas pot. Stir and add the cooking cream too. Cook for just one minute.
  • Use a food processor to blend it all. If you want to achieve a finner texture, use a thin colander.
  • Take the peel off the morcilla and fry with just a bit of oil in a pan for a few seconds. One side and then the other side.
  • Prepare the plate: pour the puree in, the morcilla in the middle and the rest of the mint oil on top. Have it warm.

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