
7 Cup Burfi ~ Indian Sweet for Deepavali Step by Step!

It's a nostalgic feeling this time around. With memories gushing in and one's wanting to capture every moment in frozen capsules, to savour what the new feeling gives in and caressing the old ones that gushed in. Maybe it is only a perceived notion that new memories replace the old ones? But it is not for me. Deepavali will always bring back those many childhood festive days spent with my brother, those excited moments spent conspiring with him on when to get up and what to do on the day. Rarest were the moments that get my brother talk, and those were Deepavali crackers, plans on how to do used to be one of those.

It has always been a tradition that me and brother followed at parent's place. To start the day with a 100 wala the first thing in the morning. Another was the fact that we got to wait till Amma gives us after pooja. We wriggled out of this practice few years, but most time, she used to get up as early as we did, finish all the oil bath, and in all grand finale, do the morning pooja, before handing over the 100 wala to Sree for the first one to be lit up. Of course, this changed over years. Years later saw me struggling to get him interested in doing the honours. Childhood fancies hardly remain so ever right!

And after marriage, both of us stopped observing that age old tradition. In the last 10 years, I don't remember either of us trying to even make an effort. But I remember every single year before that with vivid details that will last a lifetime! And can never stop talking about them or wishing those days are here again.

It only made things more bitter sweet this year as it fell on Sree's birthday. With Konda showing the same excitement we felt ages ago, I imagined we were in a different time. With 5000 miles separating us, a phone and web cam was the connecting links between us. With Peddu singing Ba ba Black sheep to his Mama, who was dancing to his tunes, with eyes welling with tears I heard Daddy say it would truly be a celebrations for Sree as his day was made talking to his nephews.

Deepavali remains an eve to pause to think back on what was important to us. To make it memorable for our kids. Like us, they may think back on this day and cherish their golden childhood and continue the tradition. The day might have been lot less noisier than all the years before, but it didn't lack any of the spirit or the want to savor the moment!

I hope the day was as good as you hoped it to be!

Before I jump on the recipe, I wanted to mention that I was featured here.

Ok, here is the recipe for the 7 cup Burfi that Amma gave me. She said she has been having this recipe for so long, wanting to make it yet time was never right. There are many proportions to this 7 cup Burfi, the name comes from the fact that 7 cups are used to make this simple sweet. She was happy that I finally made it.

The recipe is very simple, and I don't think it will fail. Whoever had a bite of this, were pleased on how tasty it was and the fact that it wasn't so rich as Mysore Pak, yet tasted as good as it does. I don't think I can compare to it. But essentially you can!

Since I took all the pictures in different stage, lets do a step by step!

Measure all the ingredients and keep next to each other for a pretty pose! I hardly take so much efforts if otherwise. After all when posing one should try to look neat right!

If you are wondering what was missing, yea the ghee cup is missing from the shoot. You can think of it as invisible one, ok!

Besan, Milk, Cashew Nut powder, Grated Fresh Coconut, Sugar are in 1 measuring cup

Once the clicking is done, take all of them in a sturdy kadai or deep bottom pan.

First goes the cashewnut powder, grated coconut, then the Besan.

Then goes the milk!..ok I didn't' wait till it was brimful!

Pour in the Ghee/ Clarified butter and place the kadai on high flame. Check the time!

With a slotted ladle, keep stirring to mix in the flour well with all the ingredients. Remember the flame is high, so you got to keep stirring well.

After exactly 10 mins, you will find the mix coming together and lots of bubbles forming. At this stage, reduce the flame to low.

For the next 10 mins, you got to cook the mix in low flame, constantly stirring to ensure the bottom doesn't get burnt!

Have a greased plate ready next to you. Exactly after 10 mins, you can blindly switch and pour over the greased plate. Holding on the sides of the plate, so that you don't burn yourself, gently pat the plate on the floor. This way your mix gets spread evenly.

Allow it to rest for 10 min, and using a greased a knife make either diamond or square shapes as in the picture. If you are wondering why the surface doesn't look pretty, it is because I used a greased spoon on the top to spread it even. It resulted it giving a cracked look. To avoid this, you can gently pat it down so that it gets spread evenly on its own.

Once it is completely cooled down, gently cut again on the perforated spots.

The recipe details again.

7 cup Burfi Recipe

Chickpea flour / Besan - 1 cup
Sugar - 3 cups
Ghee - 1 cup
Cashew nut powder + Grated Fresh Coconut - 1 cup
Milk - 1 cup

Method to prepare:

Take all the ingredients in a thick bottom kadai and put on high flame.

Keep stirring to ensure the flour gets mixed well and sugar starts melting.

After 10 mins, reduce the flame to low and continue stirring. You will find bubbles coming out and the mixture starts leaving the sides.

Take a square or circle plate and grease it with ghee. After 10 mins, the batter consistency will be thick and you can see the bottom. Ensure it doesn't get burnt in the bottom.

Immediately pour the batter on the greased plate. Allow it to sit for 10 mins, then with a greased knife make marks either as diamond or square.

Allow it to completely cool, then cut on the perforated lines to break into pieces.

Note: All the ingredients are directly added together and cooked. There is no need to roast the flour or powder the sugar. There is no roasting involved in this recipe.

Do make this and enjoy. I am sure you will get addicted to the taste.
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