I don't have an obsession with Omelets but I love their versatility and mixing different kinds of eggs it might seem an extravagance but, I love surprising my guests!

So, here you have the easiest way to prepare an original omelet that will rise AAaaahhhss and OOoohhhhhss among your guests :D. In this particular case, my muse has been Jennifer from Orange Polka Dot. If you have kids, then you should definitevely visit her blog, it's fun, cheerful, bright and with a great content.
Jennifer made me think about this little book I bought many years ago for my little daughter: It has two titles... it all depends on which side you turn it: Per molts anys! and Bon profit! The first means: Happy birthday and the second Bon appetite, in Catalan.You get a poem per month and a poem per meal. All dishes are typical Catalan/International. Unfortunately, the author is not with us anymore. Grà cies Miquel Martà i Pol!
This time my choice has been the Omelet. However, a plain omelet might be a bit boring, that's why I call mine: Shy Omelet! Keep on reading and discover the hidden ingredients :D.
Kids will love the presentation and the sensation of pressing the little orange roe against their palates!

Ingredients for 4 servings: 4 eggs, 8 teaspoons of fresh trout's roe, some fresh chives, half a glass of cooking cream, 2 branches of fresh parsley, 2 anchovies in oil, salt, black ground pepper and olive oil.
- Carefully crack the eggs shell and pour the content in a bowl. Clean the shells and reserve.
- Wash and dry the herbs and cut the parsley finely. Cut some chive in small pieces too and reserve some for decoration.
- Chop the anchovies in small pieces too.
- Whip the eggs and and the cream together. Prepare a sauce pan with one table spoon of olive oil and when it starts warming, throw the mix in. Stir with a wooden fork until it thickens.
- Then take away from the heat, keep on stirring and add the herbs and anchovies.
- Set the eggs over an appropiate dish and fill them with the mix. Dress with some salt and black ground pepper. Place the roe and the chive cuts over.
- Get your spoon and bread ready and... Bon Profit!
I'm sending the recipe over to Silvermoon Dragon and her Dragon Musings: Kids Cooking Thursday. My daughter is more of a teen (13) than a kid, but she helped me to fill in the eggs' shells and decorate them. It was fun!
I'm also sending it to Meeta's Monthly Mingle... Brunch! If you still don't know her blog: What's for lunch honey? I highly recomend you to visit it... you will love it for sure!!!
Brunch is that difficult moment of the day when we Spanish have to decide if we also add it to the rest of hearty day meals we have ;D. Come join the feast, it will be fun!

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