
VeganMoFo #15: Things to come...

So, I was going to post a quick post about waffles today. However Flickr and Blogger have conspired against me and now I cannot post ANY PICTURES! I am quite traumatised by this, as I have never before posted without a picture. I almost cannot cope!

But I wanted to post today because tomorrow I am going to Sydney! I may get a chance to post something quickly in the morning if the interwebs are behaving again, otherwise I'll be MIA until Monday evening. I am going to Sydney to hang out with my very bestest Browncoat friends. If you don't know what a Browncoat is, then I say shame on you and go and watch Firefle and Serenity immediately!

Weekend plans will include a lot of eating, so here is what you can expect to see photos of...

- Dinner tomorrow night at Vina's Vegetarian Vietnamese restaurant!
- Brunch tomorrow morning at Naked Espresso
- Vegan bake sale
- Vegans attending a housewarming party in vegan style
- A massive vegan mexican feast

So I am sorry for this most pathetic of posts! Can you believe we are on the MoFo home straight now? Only 9 days to go!
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