
Homemade Bread

I made this recipe the other day...and again today!! (the 1st time I made it I ate 1/2 a loaf by myself!!) P.S. Jen this is for you!

Homemade Bread (makes 2--so the recipe says, I made 4)
From: Cook Book Fraternal Order of Eagles, Lincoln Park, Eagles Aerie 2566 Ladies Auxiliary

3 cups lukewarm water
2 pkgs dry yeast, active
2 tsp salt
4 TBS sugar
2 TBS oleo (or margarine, tells you how old the recipe book is)
6-1/2 cups flour

Soften yeast in lukewarm water about 5 minutes. Add salt, sugar and oleo and let stand 5 more minutes. Then mix in flour. Let rise until double in size. Beat down and let rise in greased bowl, until it is double in size again. Beat down 2 more times, let rise each time until double in size. The more you beat it down, the better the bread. The last time you beat it down, form in well greased pans and let rise. Bake 40 minutes at 300 degrees. Brush with oleo and bake at 350 until firm on top about 5 minutes.

Notes: I use my kitchen aide mixer and I had to add more flour because it was really sticky still.
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