1 lb Milk Chocolate Summer
1 lb Dark Chocolate Summer
1 lb White Summer Coating
1 Box Raisins
1 cn Nuts (your favorite)
1 Bag Coconut
PEANUT CLUSTERS: Melt 1 lb. of dark, milk or white chocolate summer
coating. Melt in microwave on HIGH for 2 mins. Add few large handfuls
of nuts and mix well. Drop by tablespoonfuls on waxed paper lined
cookie sheets. Refrigerate about 15 mins.-1/2 hr. Store in cool, dry,
dark place in airtight containers
COCONUT CLUSTERS: Follow above instructions, but add a few handfuls
of coconut. RAISIN CLUSTERS: Follow above instructions, but add a few
handfuls of raisins. To make fancier, instead of dropping on waxed
paper, spoon into candy cups. Ruth from PA
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