
Poreless Green Tea Toner

Poreless Green Tea Toner

I've been neglecting my foundation lately and it's all because of green tea! Green tea has changed my life!!!!! I get sooo excited when I find an all natural product that my skin loves! I'm slowly trying tp break away from the whole commercial facial products thing since it it seems most of them only work for a period of time before they start to lose their effectiveness.

The natural remedies for skincare has never let me down though!! I have been looking for an all natural toner/ pore reducer for the longest and ran across an article in my newspaper (does anyone else still read the newspaper??) about using green tea.

Now I've heard of drinking green tea daily in order to achieve glowing, youthful skin and um...yeah...I'm been meaning to get around to doing that, but this article was saying how just simply applying it to your face will work wonders! Officially intrigued!!

I've been using this green tea toner for a few weeks now and I am loving the hell out of it! It's been a God-send for my pores. I honestly don't think my face has ever looked this even and porless!

Check out the conversation that happened in my bedroom the other night:

Me: (getting ready to go to bed and putting on some lotion. I see my husband staring at me from the corner of my eye but I just ignore it because whatever he was wanting I probably wasn't feeling)

Hubby: I thought you were going to bed?

Me: I am.

(hubby is still staring)

Hubby: Then why do you have on makeup?

Me: *smiling* What? I don't. I just washed my face?

Hubby: *still staring* Oh....

Me: *smiling* ....Baby you hungry?

LOL I turned into the sweetest wife ever! He hardly notice little things like this so I knew that was a good indicator that my skin was looking brand new!

If you haven't tried this before then get yourself to a store asap and pick up a box of green tea

But now let me tell ya.......

The article and everywhere I've read online says to use 100% green  tea (no blends) Well...I started off using 100& organic green tea and really was not that impressed. It did give me baby soft skin but the Honey Green Tea by Lipton is what has worked the best for me! It's 100% natural tea blend with honey, orange peel, chicory root and other skin friendly herbs.

How To Make Green Tea Toner

The I way I make my toner is I boil 1/4 cup of water and then add in the tea bag and let it seep until the water is warm. Then I put it (tea bag included) into a small container with a lid and put it into the fridge until it is cold. Now it's ready to use! I store it in the fridge for up to 7 days and then I make up a new batch.

How To Use Green Tea Toner

Step 1.) Wash Your Face. Wash your face with a good cleanser to remove all makeup and get it squeeky clean. Exfoliate if needed. Steam your face with a hot washcloth a couple of times if need. Pat your face dry.

Step 2.) Wipe On The Green Tea. Use the tea bag to wipe on the cold green tea. Be generous. Let the tea air dry on your face. I fan my hands infront of my face to speed up the process. It only takes a few seconds to dry. DO NOT WASH OFF

Step 3.) Moisturize Your Face. Now apply your regular moisturizer. I use a mixture of honey, olive oil, aloe gel and St. Ives Fresh Skin Collegen Elastin Moisturizer ($4 at Walmart) This makes my face tight, glowing and supple looking.

I use green tea toner in the morning and at night!
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