
April 14: Chicken Curry Salad

4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cooked and cut into one inch cubes (I usually just use
leftover chicken from a roast if I am not in the mood to make soup.)
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/4 cup chopped almonds
1 apple, chopped into small dices
1/3 cup sour cream
1/3 cup mayonnaise
1 Tbs. mild curry powder (I try to buy mine at an import store like Cost Plus...It is more
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. freshly ground pepper

Place chicken, celery, almonds and apple in medium bow. Combine next five ingredients and adjust seasonings to taste. Add to chicken mixture and toss. Serve over a salad, or in a

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