
Country Tart Trail Mix

Trail mix is a favorite snack in our house and there are so many combinations of raw nuts and seeds and berries that we toss together for snacking on the go.  They are high in fat but beneficial fats and are nutrient rich and satisfy the need for both salty and sweet snacking.  This particular trail mix is the cure for just about any craving I have.

34 g  raw pepitas (pumkin seeds), approx, 1.3 cup
34 g raw sunflower seeds, approx 1/3 cup
34 g dried cranberries, appr0x 1/3 cup
34 g hemp seeds, approx 1/3 cup
34 g 60% cacao chocolate chips
34 g dried pecans
1 pinch sea salt, approx 1.8 tsp. 

Toss all ingredients together.  Keep in a jar in the fridge and pour out 1/3 cup as needed.  Recipe makes five 1/3 cup servings.

Nutritional info created using ingredient compilation program and is deemed close but not exact.

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