As indicated earlier, I'm celebrating courgettes this month. It hardly needs doing, really, as the summer months are usually a culinary celebration of all things courgette anyway. The market sellers now know to inform me of when, in early spring, they plant the courgette seeds, and when they're on their way. When they arrived in the market a few weeks ago, I actually jumped with excitement. Nearly every meal this week has contained them (I never get tired of them!) and I expect the same trend will continue through til the time aubergines and peppers make their first appearances.
A simple dinner this week - courgette carbonara, sans bacon, topped with roasted courgette flowers. I know frying them is the general trend (for too long now, I think!) but who really has the energy to batter and deep fry on a weeknight? Tossing them with lots of olive oil and sea salt and roasting them at about 400 gives a crisp, salty bite to the petals, with the fruit just tender. You get more of a peppery bite from them this way, and it's much simpler.

Makes enough for two.
1 large courgette, sliced diagonally
1 small onion, sliced finely
1 clove garlic, minced
200 ml. single cream
2 egg yolks
a handful of parmesan
1 tbsp. butter
olive oil
salt and pepper
+ pasta of your choice (penne, spaghetti, etc.)
Bring your water to a boil and cook your pasta. Heat a deep frying pan and sauté your courgettes and onions in a bit of oil. When golden, toss in your garlic and watch it doesn't burn. In a measuring jug, mix together your yolks, cream, cheese, and a bit of salt and pepper.
Once your pasta is cooked, drain, reserving a bit of the pasta water. This is a bit time sensitive, so make sure everything is at the ready! Toss your pasta in with the courgettes, add the butter and pasta water, and then toss in your cream mixture. Remove from heat immediately and toss to coat the pasta - the sauce will thicken on its own, but you need to keep it moving and off the heat so the eggs don't scramble. Season to taste and enjoy topped with salted, roasted courgette flowers.
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