Also, something rather horrid happened. I lost my baking mojo. Towards the end of last year, the constant sleep deprivation and stress of being on call so much crushed that mojo like a bug. I was still cooking so that I could eat, but baking and blogging were just off the radar.
But good news kids! All that has changed. And it is all thanks to my beautiful silicon bundt pan. Hence the name of the post... I am certainly in no way procreating! I have had it for ages, but was a bit cautious to use it. I had some bad experiences with cheap silicon destroying my baking. But this is not cheap, it is GLORIOUS!

Behold! This is a Chocolate-Rum Coffee Cake from 1000 Vegan Recipes (more on that book to come!). I made it for my friend Jen's birthday party. I was just so in love with the look of it when it came out of that pan! And it was delicious! I was a bit wary of the coffee part of it, because I think that coffee is ick, but it really just adds to the depth of flavour.
I had so much fun that I did it again the next week!

I made Lemon-Coconut Bundt Cake from Veganomicon to take to my friend Shelley's scrapbooking party. Again, it is super cute. And also it is really yummy, and very moist. People seemed to like it!
So, back in the kitchen with joy AND back on the blog world. I'll be blogging every now and then, when the mood strikes, so as not to put too much pressure on myself. But check back! Now I have to catch up on a zillion posts in Google Reader.
Kitty Picture of the Post

Check out my beautiful sleeping Gizmo. Gizmo would like any kind and healing thoughts you might have to spare. She has a chronic urinary tract infection. She's on antibiotics at the moment (I have to inject her every second day because the tablets make her vomit) to start to clear it up, then she needs to have a bladder and kidney ultrasound to see if there is any nastiness causing it. So hugs for my kitty, please!
(1000 Vegan Recipes blogged: 0.1%... more on this soon)
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