
runner bean cassoulet.

I have a funny feeling about France. I'm simultaneously drawn to the landscapes, architecture, language, fashion, and frustrated by the cuisine. I know, saying such a thing is dangerous - I love French food, but I can so rarely eat it for all the meat it involves. The last time I was in France, on a sustainable food conference no less, I spent most of the weekend hungry. I attended (as part of the conference) a six-course, Michelen-starred meal at which I couldn't eat a thing - and no one seemed to care. And the following morning we were encouraged, as young food activists, to eat less meat and to go vegetarian. It all seemed a bit odd to me, and between hunger pangs I spent some time thinking about all the French food I would love to eat, sans meat.

Cassoulet, for example, is a prime example of a dish that just exudes both French and carnivorous sensibilities. Rich and heartening, it's the kind of thing I'd like to eat as a vegetarian - without the sausage, chicken, etc. This is a lighter summer twist on it - completely veggie, but still as flavourful. My mom sent me some of her homemade herbs de provence the other week, so they feature heavily here. Delish.


1 or 2 cups of runner beans, topped and tailed
1 tin butter beans, drained and rinsed
1 carrot, chopped
1 small aubergine, chopped
1 courgette, chopped
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
8 small tomatoes, chopped or one tin of tomatoes
2 tbsp. tomato paste
2 tbsp. herbs de provence
2 tbsp. olive oil
salt and pepper

Slowly sauté your onions in olive oil over medium heat, adding in your garlic once they are translucent. Add in your carrot and aubergine, and stir occasionally to keep them from sticking. Add in your courgette, tomato paste, and tomatoes, topping the mixture up with about 1/2 cup of water (use your judgement here). Simmer for five minutes, and then stir in your butter beans, herbs, and season to taste. Add in your runner beans and simmer for a further five minutes. Cover and bake in an oven at 350 degrees F for about an hour, checking after forty minutes if it needs a splash more water. Allow to cool slightly before serving.
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