Some things get lost in translation, especially in recipes. After a year in New Zealand it appears I have assimilated a little too much and am now causing a wee bit of confusion by referring to 'coconut' in recipes and expecting you to know what I'm talking about. So - a quick tutorial.
Desiccated coconut |
The coconut referred to in the Best Ever Vegan Friendly Chocolate Cupcakes is supposed to be desiccated coconut (or 'desecrated' as an old flatmate once called it).
Long thread or shredded coconut |
The coconut used in the super-decadent
Raspberry Choc Nut Bars is what I call long thread coconut, but you may know it as shredded coconut. It's just a longer, thinner version of ordinary desiccated coconut, kind of like its supermodel cousin, with better hair. Desiccated coconut is better in the cupcakes, but I think the long thread or shredded version works best when you need a bit more texture. Hope this helps. Happy baking!
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