
Microwave Mixed Fruits Halwa | Indian Microwave Recipes | Step By Step Recipes

With the quarterly exams going on for Konda, it's only talks of what questions were asked and not that is currently hot at home. Add to that fact with the boys also having their exams, you can imagine the scene. Please don't assume that they are seriously sitting down to study, far from it, they quote that very conveniently when required. Rest of the time is either spent playing or watching TV. This also mean that they get back home much early.

Most times the boys play together well but you never know which triggers the fight and they end up fighting. It will take a sumo wrestler to separate them on those times, really! Those times gets me blow my top and yell at the top of my voice, asking what the matter was. This is when Konda will play the ace card and teach my own lesson to me. That is handling kids with soft voice and utter sweetness. This is what I tell her when she yells at them. So she remembers those lectures very well and immediately applies on me.

 Microwave Mixed Fruit Halwa

She will pull both of them aside, with the voice that can't be much more sweeter, asking them who did what. One will say the other pulled his hair, while other claims he was pinched. Well it will continue for few more minutes with Konda saying they should promptly reach the next elder around (in this case herself) and tell the problem, rather than handling it themselves. By then the boys would've got vexed with the whole drama and being silent for 5 mins, they retreat back to their games. Within minutes, they both will be thick pals hatching new games. Sundays are spent mostly this way.

Yesterday was no different, hubby dear says we will soon become Panchayat Presidents with the number of cases these kids bring as disputes for us to solve. Breakfast was the usual affair, while lunch was to be a non veg one. Which was good because I was able to re-shoot one menu, which is very classic Rayalaseema special. Ragi Sangati with Andhra Mutton Pulusu and Mutton Roast. This is the updated picture. Check the post for details.

Knowing that days are running and I don't have any entry for MEC: Fruits, I knew I had to make that Mixed fruits Halwa that was shared by the MW Chef. The recipe was an approximation with 1 fruit each, I knew it was going to end up more. So eyeballed and added it.

But the fact that it came out very well and hubby dear liked it, made me think I should have made more.

Microwave Mixed Fruit Halwa ~ Step by Step

Take all the fruits you have on hand, cut them into small bits.

Make a puree of them together, mostly without water. Since I used very small quantity, I had to add 1/2 glass of water, which proved very expensive!

In a microwave safe bowl, take the puree, add 1 tsp of ghee/ clarified butter. Micro for 5 mins.

This is the condensed milk I used

After 5 mins, remove and stir well.

Ok stirring happens for 2 mins!

Then add 2 tsp of sugar, 2 tsp of Condensed milk.

Micro again for 5 mins.

Since I added water, it took about another 5 mins to get solidified like this. But if you don't add water, it should only take you about 7 mins. Add another tsp of ghee

If it requires micro for another 2 mins to get all the moisture off.

The recipe calls for 1 of each fruit, but I added only half or handful of them.

Ingredients Needed:

Apple - 1/2
Guava - 1/2
Pomegranate - 2 -3 tbsp
Banana - 1/2
Sapota / Chikoo - 1
Sugar - 2 tsp
Condensed Milk - 2 tsp
Ghee - 2 tsp

Method to prepare:

Wash, cut and puree all fruits together in a mixer.
In a microwave safe bowl, add the puree with 1 tsp ghee for 5 mins.
Then remove and stir well. Add sugar, condensed milk, mix well and again micro for 5 mins.

Remove and stir it again. If it is still watery, micro for another 2 mins after adding the remaining ghee. Else you can just remove and serve.

Sending this to Nivedita who is hosting the Microwave Easy Cooking Event, themed on Fruits,
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