
Sweet sweet Friday: Pretty in pink

There's a lot of angst in the developed (read: affluent) world about healthy eating; a lot of handwringing and deep thought and worry when we all know we have nothing to complain about when so many are going hungry.

But every once in a while it's good to lighten up and treat yourself - or be treated. I think the definition of the perfect present is something that you'd love but never buy. So it is with these beauties,brought over by a good fairy. I wish they'd invent scratch 'n sniff computer screens so you could try them too.

All this and a cherry on the top!
They might look like ordinary fairy cakes but once you bite in there's a whole lot of crazy stuff going on. That Barbie-pink carapace of glace icing hides a thin layer of sponge, a thick, creamy dollop of blueberry buttercream and a crisp shortcrust base.

If I could figure out how to make these I'd make a mint (which I'd then have to spend on elasticated waistbands, new teeth and a sugar-proof liver). Perhaps it's better to leave some things to the professionals.

Wishing you all a sweet, sweet Friday and a happy weekend. We're off to hunt for a new kitchen (and a house!)
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