
Pizzeria d'Italia

The theme: A culinary trip around the world - Part II
Today's recipe:  Prosciutto & Pear Pizza
The twist to the recipe: Simplicity

I have a confession to make, I do not like cooking with flour. I think its either the complexity or the amount of effort and "unknowns" that gets me out of the kitchen and rolling board, and into the grocery store for some pre-made pizza dough. Yes, not very Foodie like of me, BUT I also think there will always be something that we are not too comfortable with in the kitchen and so we have to figure our way around it to make it work!

Making pizza (now that I don't have to worry about the dough) is so simple that this is all I want to make these days, really. So if you are into simplicity and want to stop ordering pizza and nuking it because it arrives cold, then this Prosciutto and Pear pizza is your quick, easy and ready to make recipe for a lazy weekend night. 

To make this lovely Proscuitto and Pear pizza (if you are skipping on the dough, at least try to get more creative with the ingredients no?) you will need the following:
  • Thin crust pre-cooked pizza dough (found on the bread/bakery section of your local grocery store)
  • Baby Arugula leafs
  • 1 Pear (ripe and soft)
  • 4 slices of prosciutto 
  • 1/2 cup of gorgonzola cheese
  • 1/2 mozarrela chesse
  • 1/2 asiago cheese
  • 1/2 lime
  • EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste

Take the pizza dough and drizzle it with EVOO, preferably until well coated. Add a layer of the mozzarella and asiago cheeses. Peel the pear and slice it very thin   (1 cm is way too thick), then place sliced pear on top of the cheese. Add gorgonzola cheese on top of the pear as well as slices of prosciutto. Lastly, add the remainder asiago and mozzarella cheese on top of the prosciutto.

Pre-heat oven at 350F, place pizza in a baking pan and let it cook for 15 mins. If you want it toasty, leave for another 5-7 minutes. 
Put arugula leafs into a mixing bowl, take lime and squeeze in juice until coated, add a tablespoon of EVOO, then season with salt and pepper.
Once pizza has come out of the oven, add arugula on top and let the pizza settle for about 2 mins et Volià!

Now this is what I call a 30 minute meal. Delicious, simple and tasty.Once you've taken out of the equation the hazard of making your pizza dough, you can start having fun with the ingredients. Say goodbye to frozen pizza and say hello to your customized fresh pizza!

Buen Provecho!
Foodies Inc.

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