
Foie out: a culinary dilemma

The text message was short and to the point: "Do you want some foie gras?"

My fingers hovered above my phone. What to reply?

I thought about it for a minute or two, then texted back: "Um, is it bad to say YES PLEASE?"

Depending on your point of view, foie gras is either one of the most delectable foodstuffs of all time or the cruel byproduct of man's inhumanity to animals. There's no delicate way to put this, but it's made from the engorged livers of ducks or geese who have been force-fed. Lovers of foie gras, which is most often made into pate, swoon at the thought of its creamy, rich, flavours whereas animal rights advocates are more likely to faint from suppressed rage.

Our benefactor, a vegetarian, had received this precious jar from some visiting French friends. She gave a Gallic shrug when I asked her about it, claiming it didn't bother her whether other people ate it or not, but she knew it would go to waste at her place. So it's now sitting in our fridge, with a large chunk missing after a visiting lover of foie gras and France seized upon it with absolute delight. Perhaps he should have taken it with him, because I haven't quite been able to follow suit yet.

Where do you stand on the foie gras debate? Is there anything else you don't eat for ethical reasons?
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