The lovely Nikki from The Tolerant Vegan recently awarded this blog a Stylish Blogger Award. Thank you Nikki! It is very nice to know people are enjoying my ramblings. :)
According to the rule, I must do the following:
*Make a post, and link back to the blogger who awarded me.
*Share seven things about myself.
*Award other bloggers.
*Contact them to tell them they have won.
Seven things about me:
1. As well as being a kitty vet, I am also doing a part time research masters entitled 'Metabolic Characteristics of Diabetic Cats in Remission and Predictors of Relapse'. If you live in Brisbane and have a diabetic cat who is in remission, let me know. ;)
2. I once hated coriander leaves (cilantro for you northern hemispherians). The Cilanto Sour Cream recipe and Veganomicon brought me round, and now I can't get enough of the stuff.
3. I love necklaces. I feel nekkid if I don't have something around my neck. I have a large collection, but I haven't bought one for some time... this is sad, I must rectify this!
4. I have been single for almost ten years. I am pretty happy being a single cat lady at the moment though, so no rush. But if anyone knows any hot geeks out there... :P
5. I help out with a fantastic group called Charlie's Angels Horse Rescue, which rescues horse and finds them forever homes, as well as running some great campaigns.
6. My favourite books are 'Pride and Prejudice', 'To Kill A Mockingbird' and 'The Great Gatsby'. Totally unoriginal, but shows that some good comes out of high school English classes.
7. I have been meaning to learn to knit for the past five years. I have needles. I have faux yarn. I have even had a lesson or two from a friend. But so far I haven't managed to take it up. Maybe this winter?
And the award goes to...
Now I have to pass on the award. It's hard to choose, because there are so many blogs I enjoy reading! Be sure to head on over and check them out if they aren't already on your Google Reader. :)
Mandee at Cupcake Kitteh
Mipa at Alien's Day Out: Vegan in Seoul, South Korea
Natalie at Angst Loves Spinach
River at Wing It Vegan
Theresa at The Tropical Vegan
Cute Kitty Photo of the Post

Speaking of stylish... OK, so I know we are at the wrong end of the year to even thing about Christmas, but check out this little guy wearing a Santa hat. A few weeks ago someone had dropped off some stuff at one of our clinics with a cat they were surrendering (boo), including a little Santa outfit. It was a quiet afternoon, and we had Idexx, on of our adoption kittens, frisking around. He is very cute and sweet. How could we not! The fantastic thing about this santa hat, unlike mine, is that it has holes for their ears to go through, which is both super cute and much more stable and comfortable for the kitty. Little Idexx is a bit under the weather at the moment, but as soon as he's back on his feet he will be up for adoption from our Clayfield clinic, if anyone is looking for a sweet little forever kitty!
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