This Sunday, my two children decided that they would very much like to be in charge of making unday Lunch.
It may not sound like very much & the menu is not sounding like anything special, but when my 4 year old son and 5 year old daughter enlisted me as their 'Grown Up Healper' how on earth could I even consider doing anything but.
First we put the chicken portions in to a deep roasting tin, added a gererous slug of olive oil, parsley, oregano, tarrogon & salt and pepper and roasted them for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.
In a seperate bowl we put a large pack of unpeeled baby potatoes with some olive oil, mustard, pepper & tossed them until they were coated. These were then added to the pan of chicken and put back into the oven for 30 minutes.
Served with steamed sprouts, orange juice to drink and capple crumble with custard for pudding, my children provided the most delicious sunday lunch and the best bit being that because they made it, they ate everything up & even had seconds - As a result, the children now will be cooking sunday lunch for the forseeable future!
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