
Pinakbet: A Healthy Filipino Recipe for a Healthy Lifestyle

Pinakbet (Meat Vegetable Stew) is one of the healthy Filipino recipes. Unlike the other Filipino foods, this main dish is prepared with more vegetables than meat. For those who dislike vegetables, you can start to appreciate and love to eat vegetables by tasting Pinakbet.

Pinakbet, is a Filipino recipe that is specifically invented by the Ilocanos. My mom is an Ilocana and I have tasted and learned this recipe from her. This is the Ilocano way of preparing meat vegetable stew.

  • ½ lb sliced beef
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 3 cloves minced garlic
  • 2 chopped tomatoes
  • 2 cups sliced okra
  • ½ cup cubed okra
  • 2 cups of one and one half long cut string beans
  • 2 slice eggplants
  • 1 sliced bitter gourd (you may rinse bitter gourd with water and salt so it won’t be highly bitter)
  • 2 tsp vegetable oil
  • 1 and ½ cup water
  • 2 to 3 tbsp salted shrimp paste

To have your delicious Meat Vegetable stew prepared, here’s the cooking procedure:

1. Heat the vegetable over medium heat in a deep casserole. Cook sliced beef until it turns slightly brown
2. Stir in tomatoes, garlic, and onions. Stir for several minutes until tomatoes wilted.

3. Add okra and squash and stir-fry for one to two minutes.

4. Add the remaining vegetables and gently stir to combine.

5. Pour in water and add the salted shrimp paste. Bring this to a boil.

6. Simmer while covered over low heat until vegetables get tender. Be careful not to overcook. You may also adjust the flavor by adding more salted shrimp paste then gently stir to mix.

7. Remove from heat and transfer to a serving platter.

Some Filipinos eat Pakbet along with other main dish. Yet, it is still healthier and more delicious to eat it alone with rice.
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