

Image of Steamed Sago Pudding with corn syrup
Ingredients: from cooking-varieties exclusive recipe
2 cups sago pearls
2 cans of 425 grams Corn in syrup
6 tablespoon sugar
2 pandan leaves- shred (substitute with 2 drops vanilla essence)
Banana leaves (about 20 pieces, 11 cm width)
Permitted food coloring- orange
1 1/2 cup coconut milk (substitute with 5 cups low fat milk
3 teaspoon cornflour
Image of Steamer filled with Sago wrapped in banana leaves
Banana leaves need to be softened or slightly wilted, so that it won’t tear off, when folded. To do this, you can heat the leaf over your stove fire for a few seconds. Or u can put it under the hot sun for 20 minutes. You may substitute this with some other large non-poisonous leaves. The leaf texture should not be too soft.

Cooking-varieties use leaves, to ensure that the sago cooks with excellent results and not soften and get ruined if it’s boiled directly in water. This is the intricate part of cooking sago, although the recipe is very simple to follow.
When that is done, cut the banana leaves into pieces,about 11cm wide. Set aside. Leave the length as it is.
Wash sago pearls and drain away water. Do not use strainer. Add food coloring and 3 tablespoon sugar- mix well with sago pearls. Set aside for 15 minutes, to let sago soften a bit.
Boil water in a Steamer pot.
While waiting for water to boil, start wrapping up the sago using banana leaves.
After 10 minutes, sprinkle sago with some water and turn over to ensure it is evenly spread (use about ½ cup of water only-not more than this amount).
Shape banana leaf into a cone, fill it up with sago and fold down the top to close the cone. Place and arrange this cone directly onto the Steamer pan. Repeat this, until all sago has been wrapped up.
Put pan on Steamer pot. Cover with lid and let it cook for about 20 minutes- depending on your steamer size/layers of cones stacked, as in the case of a small-size steamer.
Image of Sago pearls in a mixture of yellow and white color
While waiting for sago to cook, boil corn syrup with 3 cups of water, pandan leaves (or vanilla), 3 tablespoons sugar, cornflour and coconut milk. Do not add water, if you use low fat milk. The sugar may be too much, if the brand of corn syrup is already very sweet. Stir continuously and let boil for 5 minutes .Turn off fire.
You can open up one cone and check- if sago has turned translucent color, then it is already cooked. Remove from Steamer and leave to cool.
When ready to serve, pour corn syrup into individual serving plates or bowls. Add sago. When served, do not remove the leaves.
Health benefits:
Sago is mainly carbohydrate (carbs) with very little protein, vitamins, or minerals. Energy in the form of glucose, is obtained faster from carbs, as compared to protein intake. Some cell tissues (eg. in the brain) are dependant on glucose from carbs souces, hence low carbs intake can result in slowing down brain function.
It is in Ayurvedic belief- sago helps to cool down body heat.
For more Appetising Sago recipes, view cooking-varieties-nusantara- click at Tab menu above.
Image-of-Sago-Pudding-cooked-by -Steaming

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