

Let’s have some tea, while waiting for the winter squash to get cooked :)
Green tea, chamomile, liquorices and sage are some of my favorite teas. What’s yours?
Tea ingredients:
1 sachet green tea
A pinch of cinnamon powder
1 sachet chamomile tea
1 teaspoon honey
3 mugs boiling mineral water
Using a clay teapot along with spring/ mineral water is the best, as they bring out the flavor in your tea.

Put chamomile and cinnamon in clay pot and pour over hot boiling water and cover for 1 minute. Add green tea. Steep for 2 minutes. Drink warm. Green tea should only be brewed in cooler water and for less steeping time, to reduce the bitter taste and prevents tea oxidation
High-quality green tea can have new water added as many as five or more times, depending on variety

Check out your allergies before creating ideas on tea blends. Applemint tastes great with the premier Indian Darjeeling tea (takes longer steeping time-4 minutes). The popular varieties of black (red) tea include Assam tea, Nepal tea, Darjeeling tea, Nilgiri tea, Turkish tea and Ceylon tea.
Oolong tea improves with reuse, the third steeping is usually the best

THERE ARE 3 TYPES OF TEA- Excerpts- betterhealth.vic.gov.au

1) Green - made by quickly steaming or heating the leaves to prevent breakdown (oxidation) of the CATECHINS. Green tea may have greater health benefits than black or oolong tea.

2) Oolong (semi-fermented) - this is processed longer than green tea, but not as long as black tea.

3) Black (fermented) - made by further processing of leaves, including exposure to heat, light and crushing and have strong flavors from fermentation.
The major difference between the types of tea is their degree of oxidation (exposure to oxygen). All varieties contain caffeine, a nervous system stimulant..

Protective compounds. Polyphenols are natural plant chemicals (called phytochemicals) found in tea, which have strong antioxidant properties and protect cells against free radicals and ‘bad’ cholesterol in the blood. Tea contains a particular polyphenols, known as CATECHINS.
Green tea catechins suppress or reduce the severity of liver injury in animal studies. Preliminary research indicates that tea polyphenols may reduce the activity of platelets, which are the clotting agents of the blood. This is good, because ‘sticky’ blood can form artery-blocking clots

HERBAL TEAS- Herbal teas are made from a variety of different plants and can include leaves, roots and flowers. Most herbal teas don’t contain any Camellia sinensis leaves.
Excerpts: yahoo answers.
HOW TO MAKE TEA FROM GARDEN HERBS…For leafy herbs, crush chop until you have about a tablespoon (fresh, not dried). Bring 1 cup water to a boil and pour over herbs in a heat proof cup. Let sit 5 minutes, strain and drink. Fennel seed will measure about the same fresh or dried, so use only 1 teaspoon.

Milk- The benefits of black tea are lessened when milk is added. Add honey instead.

The Health benefits of tea
Chamomile tea is very soothing, so natural it can be given to children. Good to calm stress. Chamomile and mint (peppermint or spearmint) teas are good for insomnia, helps you to relax

Senna- On herbal laxative tea, anything with senna leaf will work. It is a natural stimulant. Lemon, chamomile, ginger and peppermint are great for your detox organs- colon, liver, kidneys

Passion flowers (Passiflora, Sawvaros, Water-Lemon, markisa). Amongst Native Americans, the fresh or dried leaves are used to make an infusion, a tea that is used to treat insomnia, hysteria, epilepsy and is also valued for its pain killing properties.

Cinnamon is rich in vitamin C, healing and antiseptic properties, thus an exceptional cure for wounds. Apply on the wound as an infusion. It has anti-bacterial, diuretic properties and serves as a digestive tonic

Lemon balm- also known as “Melisa”- contain flavonoids, polyphenolics and other important elements. Lemon balm has anti-herpes properties and regulates the thyroid function. It has sedative characteristics and has an important stimulating effect on brain functions

What about herbal tea, with flower petals and herbs from gardens? I heard, different herbs can help in different ways. The witches made herbal tea. I would like to know the ingredients.

Watch out for the witches. Some of the tea they drank, made them think they were flying around on brooms. Phycotrophic stuff. Even something that seems as harmless as mint tea can cause a pregnant woman to abort her fetus. Beware of your allergies and artificially flavored teas. Do some research and do not trust just any one to tell you witch plant is witch.

To cut down smoking- herbal tea instead of tobacco? I want to know how to roll up your fags using tea because i tried and it aint that easy at all  :(  -Can someone help? mind you.. i want to make my own now…………… Smoking tea is... pretty retarded :)
PS - clove cigarettes are worse for you than tobacco cigarettes because of artificial flavors that are added; natural tobacco doesn't cause the problems that commercial tobacco caused, because of the things added to them
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