

 Learn, how to make delicious Pasta recipe with vegetables

Now day’s pastas are very popular to all. Here in this recipe it’s a pasta recipe with the goodness of vegetables. So it’s no more junk food now. And if it is served with cheese or chilly garlic bread it will work as whole meal.

Serves - 6
Preparation time - 15 minutes
Cooking time - 20 minutes

Ingredients to make Pasta:

Elbow macaroni
1 cup
Onion (sliced)
Capsicum (diamond cut)
Carrot (diamond cut)
Tomato (diamond cut)
French beans (diamond cut)
5 – 6
Tomato pulp
2 table spoon
Tomato ketchup
2 table spoon
1 table spoon
Wheat flour (hard)
2 table spoon
2 table spoon
Chilly flacks
1 tea spoon
1 tea spoon
Black pepper powder
1 tea spoon
Cheese cube
Red chilly powder
½ tea spoon
Salt to test

For garnishing:


Chilly flakes


The Complete Book of Pasta and NoodlesMethod to make Pasta:

  1. Boil macaroni, wash with cold water and keep a side.
  2. First of all fry onion in a pan than add carrot, boiled French beans, capsicum and at last tomato and fry it for 2 minutes. Dilute hard wheat flour in water and add tomato pulp and tomato ketch up in it. Mix well, pour in to the pen. Stir continuously, add 1 cup of water, boil till thicken.
  3. Now add boiled pasta, mix well. Apply salt, chilly flacks, black pepper powder, oregano and shredded cheese. Cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Transfer contains in to a oven proof bowl, garnish with shredded cheese and sprinkle chilly flacks on it.
  5. Bake pasta for 10 minutes or till cheese melts, At 180 c in preheated oven.
  6. Serve piping hot pasta with Garlic bread.
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