but later became known tempeh in various foreign countries, like Japan, America and Arab countries, it proves tempeh began to enjoy doing, not only in Indonesia but also the tongue of the foreign countries
The Indonesian of course the person who introduced the tempeh into the country besides Indonesia
like Mr Rustono, a man from the tribe of Java started his business in the land of sun, japan to capitalize the knowledge of making tempeh, and has ambitions for Tempe is known throughout the world
The road to business success that he traveled very long and
steep. Although successful in the experiment to make tempeh, he was not sure was right. Surely it's not just because it uses the original water from springs directly.
After her first child, Noemi Kuzumoto, aged three years, with the permission of his wife Rustono back to Indonesia for three months to learn to make tempeh tempeh to 60 crafters all over Java.
Some crafters do exist that are not entirely giving the secret manufacture of tempeh, but many things he could absorb from the experience of crafters tempeh in Central Java. For example, why can better feel the savory tempeh, how the results tempe is wrapped with bamboo leaves or banana leaves, or with plastic, and how it can produce good tempe fermentation.
Which then did not lose the fight is to obtain production licenses in Japan.. He has to go through research and testing in the laboratory, must meet the ability to be responsible for the quality and content of production material in accordance with the one shown on the packaging that the nutrient content of soybean tempeh and nutritional equivalent of meat, including compliance with packaging recycling.
In Japan already many books about tempeh peel. Among the most famous being The Book of Tempeh, writing Shurtleft William and Akiko Aoujaga. This large book complete with descriptions and illustrations of interesting about the making and the benefits of tempeh with the cultural background of Indonesia, especially Java.
There are also books published by the Association of Tempe in Japan run by the professors and nutritionists. This association held a research and each year hold a seminar on tempeh. One of the study is the nutrient content of tempeh is not less than beef.
Various vegetarian restaurant in Japan many presents processed with various forms of processed soybean Japan, such as tempura misoshiru tempeh and tempeh. The most famous is tempeh burgers.
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