Farm Fresh Strawberries
I finally made it out to Southern Belle Farms this year to pick strawberries. The season starts in April here in Georgia. I have supported this wonderful local farm since we moved here in 2009. The strawberries are beautiful, sweet and delicious. Blackberries will arrive in a couple of weeks, so I hope to make another visit soon. Luckily, it's only a few minutes from my house. The perks of living in a small, southern town.:)The strawberry field. So many to choose from...It's late into their strawberry season and it's getting hot in Georgia, but the berries are still beautiful.I am happy with my selection:). Now time to head home to eat some fresh berries (my daughter will devour these fast)! I plan to make freezer jam and freeze some of these delicious farm fresh berries for my smoothies.
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