
Grilled Panini with Apples and Cheddar Recipe

  • 8 slices whole grain bread
  • 1/2 cup low-fat honey mustard
  • 2 apples, sliced thin
  • 8 ounces low-fat Cheddar cheese, sliced thin


Preheat a panini press on medium heat. If you don’t have a panini press, you can use a non-stick skillet or a George Foreman grill.
Lightly spread honey mustard evenly over each slice of bread. Layer apple slices and cheese over 4 slices of bread, using about 1/2 apple and 2 ounces of cheese for each sandwich. Top each with remaining bread slices.
Lightly coat panini press with cooking spray. Grill each sandwich for 3 to 5 minutes or until cheese has melted and bread has toasted.
Remove from pan and allow to cool slightly before serving.
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