
How to make Bitter Greens With Sour Cream Dressing Recipe

  • 3 hard-cooked eggs
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • Juice of 1 lemon, or to taste
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
  • 6 cups roughly chopped greens, preferably romaine, endive, escarole, or chicory


Cut the peeled eggs in half and transfer the yolks to a bowl.
Mash them with the sugar and lemon juice, then beat in the sour cream with a wooden spoon until smooth.
Season with salt and pepper. (You can do this in a food processor or mixer, but it's easy enough by hand.)
Slice the egg whites into thin strips and toss with the greens and dressing. Serve immediately.

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