
My First Blogging Award:):):)

I was so flattered to get my very first blogging award!!!  My award came from Marsha at The Better Baker.  I love her tasty treats, so please stop by her blog and have a look.  Beware, it will make you very hungry;)
Here are the rules that come with this award:

#1 You thank the person that awarded it to you and list a link back to them

#2 Tell 7 things about yourself

#3 Pay it forward by sending it to your favorite recently found new bloggers

#4 Contact the blogger that you have awarded and make them aware

Seven things about me:
  • I have lived in 6 states in the last 16 years.  I have been married for 15 years, this August, to my husband and best friend.  We relocate frequently with his career.  I enjoy the adventure of new places, new friends and new experiences.  I wouldn't trade my life for anything in the world!
  • I have a BA degree from Clemson University with an English major and Advertising minor.  I am currently a "domestic engineer" by profession and love it:)
  • I am in the process of writing a children's book about our cat that comes to tea.  It's a daily ritual with our kitty, Tiger, and our daughter.  I hope to be published by December.  It is titled "Tea Time with Tiger"
  • My hobbies are cooking, of course:), scrapbooking, gardening, spending time with my family, hiking, running, traveling, all types of fitness and home decorating (DIY) projects.
  • I enjoy party planning and entertaining.  It's so much fun to create memorable events for friends and family.
  • I collect cookbooks.  I don't think that I could ever have too many!! 
  • I love being a wife and Mom to my two precious children.  I thank God for them every day!!
My New Blogs:

Comfy in the Kitchen- Janelle
Spice Up Ur Senses- Rumana
Sweet as Sugar Cookies- Lisa
My Tasty Journey- Donna
The Better Baker- Marsha
Whole Family Fare- Megan Joy
My Five Men- Betsy
Successful 2gether- Angie
Bell' alimento- Paula
Cheap, Healthy, Good- Kristen, Leigh, Jaime and Rachel
Sweet Savory Life-Alice
My Retro Kitchen-Amie
Basil Momma-Heather
Frieda Loves Bread-Frieda
Georgie Cakes-Georgie
Fighting with Food-Heidi
Mum in Bloom-Sarah
The Culinary Chronicles-Nam
The Country Cook-Brandie
*and many more that I love to visit, but can't list them all:)
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