Growing up, there were few things my family liked to devour as much as a plate of fresh Welshcakes. Tiny, delicate, and mildly sweet, they made the perfect addition to a cup of tea and the perfect snack whilst waiting for a proper meal.
My Nan, who grew up in south Wales, made these when we were very little. I always remember them spread over a plain china plate, tucked onto the counter and waiting to be eaten. And eaten they were - very quickly, so that poor Nan couldn't keep up with how many we could eat.
As she got older and felt less able to do the baking, some lovely Welsh friends of hers would often bring by a tupperware full of these little cakes. We always looked forward to these times - I think it reminded my Dad of home, and it reminded the rest of us of the Welsh heritage beneath our Canadian upbringing. And they filled us to the brim with both delicious memories and, well, cake!
These aren't your typical cake. Halfway between a scone and a pancake, they're cooked on a hot stone or, in my case, a heavy skillet. Best of all, they only take a few minutes to make, so I knocked together this batch after work one day when I was in need of a pick-me-up. And they were the best batch I've made yet - but not a shred as good as Nan's.
Simple Welshcakes
120 grams unsalted butter, cool but not ice cold, plus a bit more for your pan
230 grams plain flour
1 tsp. baking powder
60 grams caster sugar, plus more for sprinkling
1/4 tsp. allspice
1/8 tsp. cinnamon
100 grams sultanas
1 egg, beaten
1. Rub together the butter and flour, then stir in the sugar and spices. Mix to form a dry, loose crumb. 2. Toss in your currants and mix well. 3. Stir in your egg to form a soft dough. Handling the dough very little helps these to be lovely and soft when you eat them. Shape it into a rough disc. Wrap the dough up in some clingfilm and put it in the fridge for about 20 minutes or the freezer for 10. 4. Roll out to 1 cm in thickness on a floured surface, and cut into rounds using a circle or crinkle cutter. 5. Heat your skillet over medium-high heat, brush lightly with a bit of butter, and cook the cakes for 3 minutes on each side, or until golden. Remove gently and cool on a plate, sprinkling the finished cakes with a bit more sugar.
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