
How I Got my Name

Hi I’m Jasmine a Cream Golden Retriever. I was born on April 30th 2010 and was named Jasmine before I arrived at 8 weeks old into this family. My human mom loves Tea and Jasmine Tea is one of her favorites.
But that’s not were I really got my name.
My big sister Violet is a Golden/Lab Retriever Cross. Violet was born 12-28-04 and she was 7 weeks old when she came into this family. My family are members with the 4-H to raise puppies for the blind through “The Seeing Eye” in Morristown NJ. Violet came with her name and a tatoo 151 in her ear. How cool is that one.
Violet enjoyed the fun life has to offer. Going places, riding on the bus, going to fairs, meeting people, going to meetings with the other 4-H dogs, basic training. Violet just like a sponge absorbing everything around her. Her favorite sports are swimming and playing ball, the soccer ball.
At the Ocean County Fair 4-H show Violet won 2 ribbons. Excellent in Obedience and Grooming. She also won 2 ribbons Excellent in 7th & 10th 12A division posters. Violet is a Treasure. I want to grow up just like her.
Violet even went to the boardwalk in Seaside NJ with the other member dogs and puppies everyone went on the carousel. How dizzy was that one; what was the club thinking.
When Violet was about 17 months the 4-H Director called before coming to pick up Violet to take her to the Seeing Eye to work with professional trainers to become a guide dog for the blind. Violet, a very smart intelligent dog, knew something was up. When the Van arrived the Director tried to get Violet into the Van but Violet rolled on her back with her paws and back legs pointing up to the sky so no one would be able to lift her in. They tried putting her house crate with her toys into the Van, that did not work. Even with my Mom sitting in the Van to get her in, that trick did not faze Violet. She just did not want to leave what she knew was “Violets Home”.
When they finally got Violet into the Van, my human family had bitter sweet emotions. They were happy she was going to work helping a blind person become independent and also very sad to see her leave.
Months went by when a call came in from The Seeing Eye saying Violet was not adjusting and if my family would love to adopt her. YES YES YES,
Yes they did and off to pick Violet up at Morristown. When arriving the vet’s asked if Violet would recognize us. We had no answer to that just a shoulder shrug. As Violet came through the door she look with a blank stair, the closer she came to us she recognized our scent and a Huge Smile came over her face as she jumped with excitement seeing us. The Vet’s said Violet just showed expression of happiness they haven’t seen since she arrived months ago. They said Violet had a “Smile on her face from ear to ear” and was very happy to see us.
Violet became a permanent part of this family. Violet was finally at “Violets Home” for good.
Violet became a service companion dog when Grandma came to live with my new family. Violet guided Grandma up and down the stairs when Grandma went outside to pick tomatoes and sit on the swing. Violet was always by Grandmas side inside and outside the home.
How I got my name well, I was named Jasmine before I arrived into this family at 8 weeks old. Just like Violet named after a Flower so was I.
Jasmine  "Jasminum sambac" a white fragrant flowered shrub also the most important flower in wedding ceremonies in some countries.Other countries use are national flower, string the flowers into leis, corsages and crowns and distill its oils, religious offerings also hair odornments for its sweet fragrance.
So here I am Jasmine Jasminum sambac the white flower, who uses puppy love pooch scents cologne to keep up with the flowers beautiful fragrance.
“Oh” did I also mention in China, the flower is processed and used as the main ingredient in jasmine tea. Go figure Mom.

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