Most of my last-minute creative kitchen inventions are far from being blog-worthy, but after eating this "throw-together-whatever-I-found-in-the-fridge" dish, my family actually demanded that I put it on the blog so I could recreate again another night. While I'm used to my kids telling me their opinion on what I cook, it's not often that their opinions stretch into blogging advice. So you won't find any ingredient or process pictures in this post and I figured I may as well take pictures of it on the paper plates we ate off of that night, but in acquiescing to my kids' it is! With hot dogs and noodles, it's kid and husband-friendly. With the super quick prep-time and all the spinach and whole-grain noodles it's also mom- friendly. And with the Garlic and Herb cheese, it was taste bud-friendly too! Enjoy!
Spinach, Hot Dog, and Cream Cheese Pasta (in case you like more traditional names)
Recipe by recipes
The ingredients:
1 pkg. (12-13-ounces) noodles (penne, rotini, macaroni, whatever you have)
1 package (16-ounces) hot dogs, chopped into bite-size pieces
2-3 cups fresh spinach, coarsely chopped
1 Tbs. vegetable oil
1 package (5.2-ounces) garlic and herb flavored creamy cheese (we used Boursin)
3-ounces low-fat cream cheese
Directions: Cook noodles as directed on package. While noodles are cooking, have the kids the chop hot dogs, while you chop the spinach. In large skillet, heat oil and add hot dogs and spinach. Saute for 3-4 minutes, then add drained noodles and cream cheese. Stir until cream cheese is melted and evenly distributed. Remove from heat and serve immediately. Makes 6 servings. Enjoy!

Click here for printable recipe.
Spinach, Hot Dog, and Cream Cheese Pasta (in case you like more traditional names)
Recipe by recipes
The ingredients:
1 pkg. (12-13-ounces) noodles (penne, rotini, macaroni, whatever you have)
1 package (16-ounces) hot dogs, chopped into bite-size pieces
2-3 cups fresh spinach, coarsely chopped
1 Tbs. vegetable oil
1 package (5.2-ounces) garlic and herb flavored creamy cheese (we used Boursin)
3-ounces low-fat cream cheese
Directions: Cook noodles as directed on package. While noodles are cooking, have the kids the chop hot dogs, while you chop the spinach. In large skillet, heat oil and add hot dogs and spinach. Saute for 3-4 minutes, then add drained noodles and cream cheese. Stir until cream cheese is melted and evenly distributed. Remove from heat and serve immediately. Makes 6 servings. Enjoy!

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