One night I was frantically trying to come up with something to eat for dinner. (I really need to make a menu some day). I found that I had all the ingredients for tacos or enchiladas but no meat in the house. What was I to do?! I found chili in the cupboard, Hey, (I thought to myself), there's meat in chili. It's kind of like taco meat. So I gave it a try. As it turned out my family loved it. My 8 year old thought it was better than tacos. We were trying to decide what to call it since it's a combination of tacos and enchiladas. I suggested "Enchilacos" and it made everyone giggle. It sure is fun to create something and have it succeed.
EnchilacosRecipe by Jen of the Recipes Dream
The Ingredients:
1 package tortillas
1 jar (16-oz.) salsa
1 can chili with meat
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese (I know there's not cheddar in the picture. I didn't have any)
1 pkg. (8-oz) cream cheese, softened
1 small onion, diced (again, I didn't have an onion on hand so I used a shallot)
2 Tbs. taco seasoning (or 1 package taco seasoning)
The Directions:
Spray a 9x 13 pan with non stick spray and line the bottom with salsa.
(Sorry, fuzzy picture)
Spoon some of the filling into a tortilla wrap and roll up. Place in pan, seam side down on top of salsa. Spoon salsa over top and sprinkle with remaining cheese.
Cover with foil and bake in 350 degree oven for 1/2 hour. Remove foil and bake another 10-15 minutes or until cheese is completely melted.

Click here for printable recipe.
EnchilacosRecipe by Jen of the Recipes Dream
The Ingredients:
1 jar (16-oz.) salsa
1 can chili with meat
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese (I know there's not cheddar in the picture. I didn't have any)
1 pkg. (8-oz) cream cheese, softened
1 small onion, diced (again, I didn't have an onion on hand so I used a shallot)
2 Tbs. taco seasoning (or 1 package taco seasoning)
The Directions:
Spray a 9x 13 pan with non stick spray and line the bottom with salsa.
Cream together the cream cheese, and taco seasoning. Mix in 1/2 cup of the cheddar cheese and the chopped onion. Stir in the chili.
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