
Recipes for Granny with Alzheimer's

Granny had the beginning of  Alzheimer's but she loved to eat a lot of food. Her lunch would consist of  fish, salmon, tilapia, flounder, pasta and veggies plus eat her cherry tomatoes and fresh garlic this did not exclude snacks the sweets. She was able to chew use forks and spoons and swallow.

Granny loves her Garden and every year we would plant those Husky Cherry Tomatoes which she loved to eat. When Granny was outside on her swing under the Gazebo I would give her a brown paper bag and she would walk slowly over to the garden to pick only the red tomatoes.

Granny has slowed down each year and the weather's heat does not help anyone. Picking the tomatoes has been a long struggle for her even now sitting in her wheelchair outside. So we decided to have her hold a small bucket and we would ask her "do you want this one?" And she would have a huge harvest to bring into the house to wash.

Now Granny has slowed down to a point that both my sister and I do not know what to feed her. Feeding her daily is a full time chore and we are happy when we could get solids into her.

So here is our plan for Granny.

We purchase Aladdin drinking cups something  like a little kids non spill drinking cup with a straw.
When she started to spit out her medication pills, I crushed them and put them into her favorite Strawberry Insure Plus for her to drink in this cup.

We give her Boost, Carnation instant breakfast and add wheat germ and add  yogurt and milk.

To hydrate her we give her water with crystal light which she loves here sweets and add Benefiber.

You can add Carnation Malted milk mix to your breakfast shakes.

Gatorade for electrolytes.

We also pure in the blender assorted veggie cream soups.

So for today I made my own puree in the blender.
Half banana, Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 2 coops, O.J  1/2 cup, Milk 1/2 cup, Light cream 1/4 cup.
This is what I made for Granny.
So for today I also gave her pieces of bananas, goya wafer cookies, and she ate  a cherry tomato from our garden..

WOW  for today. Keep you posted on what Granny will eat or drink the next day.
Everyone Enjoy
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