
Anniversary Edition: Pancho's Bakery

Venue: Pancho's Bakery
Specialty: Mexican Baked Goods
Location: 2 locations - 1345 Davenport Road and 214 Augusta Avenue, both located in Toronto, Ontario
Reviewed: Conchas, Novias and Banderillas

I hope by now you are all excited as I am to continue sharing this month's Anniversary Edition of the Best Latin Bakeries in town. Today the spotlight is all over Pancho's Bakery. Pancho is one of the few Mexican bakeries one can find in the Toronto downtown core. With two locations serving the community, Pancho's has kept its promise, over the last 3 years, to deliver great quality baked goods that will be sure to stratify one's palate.

One of my favourite treats are Conchas.

Especially the chocolate ones. Conchas are big delicious and simple bread-type treats that are flavoured with cinnamon and chocolate (other times vanilla) and topped with white sugar. The translation of this famous pastry is oyster shell. You will find more and more Mexican baked goods that have a special shape to them, that acquired over time, have become staples in the country. 

And another great example of shaping in Mexican baking are the Novias.

Although Novias look like your typical cinnamon roll, they taste nothing like it. These swirl-shaped goodies are less sweet and crunchy than Conchas, but just as tasty. In my mind, these taste a bit more like Colombian Roscon, minus the filling. 

Last but not least, another great pastry creation from Pancho's - the Banderilla.
The flaky pastry treats are so easy to make, they are used for just about any kind of meal pairing in Mexico. To my understanding, the way you make a Banderilla is by cutting the dough into long thin stripes, painting them with beaten egg and then baking until fluffy and golden. Once these are completely baked, you remove them from the oven, cover with syrup and put back in for a last minute baking. Yum, Yum, Yum.
Oh and I guess I should also share why the name Banderilla; well this one is an interesting one. Banderillas are the long dart-shaped weapons used by Bullfighters, hence the name and shape.

Until our next Latin Bakery Foodies!

Buen Provecho,
Foodies Inc.
Pancho's Bakery on Urbanspoon

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