
Tomatoes, Tomatoes, EVERYWHERE!

This is the time of year that garden tomatoes seem to be coming out of our ears! They are EVERYWHERE! Are you wondering how to use them? Here are a couple I have been hooked on lately.....

Eggs and Tomato Soup (sounds gross but is very delicious and filling). My sister-in-law and parents live in Atlanta and are of Asian decent. They own a popular Asian restaurant. I made up my own version of the recipe she made for us one time. This serves 1-2 people so you may want to double or triple it for more people.

3 large garden tomatoes, diced
2 egg whites
1 tsp Mrs. Dash (or other seasoning)
dash of pepper
splenda or truvia to your liking
(you also may add cubed tofu and chopped green/white onions)

In a frying pan cook eggs. Add everything else and let simmer 5 minutes.

Easy Italian Tomatoes
For this one there is really no recipe. All I do is chop up some garden tomatoes and drizzle Kraft's Zesty Italian dressing over the top and toss. I have added diced avocados and chopped up raw squash like yellow or and zucchini before. It was very good!
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