
Fruit Trifle Recipe

Who will say  he/she do not like fruit trifle ??? I think 1 person out of 100 will have this opinion because he/she might have allergy of fruits :) well i cant praise it more because it is fantastic, yummy, great flavored and and many more..... every one knows its just yummy like it looks... 
Fruit Trifle Recipe

Fruit Trifle Recipe


Trifle sponges
:                                                1 pack
Fruit cocktail, drained
:                                     1 (410g) tin
Fruit flavored jelly:                                           1 sachet
Custard powder:                                              2 tablespoons
Caster sugar:                                                  2 dessertspoons
Semi skimmed milk:                                        100ml (4 fl oz)


Take a glass serving bowl and put the sponge in it, cut it to fit if needed, and cover with the tinned fruit. Prepare jelly by following package directives and pour over fruit and sponge. Allow it cool.
Wait to get set jelly. Mix custard powder and sugar in a small pan over normal flame. Stir in milk and cook until thick and creamy. Allow to cool a little and then transfer over sponge and jelly combination. Chill until set.

Serve Fruit Trifle chill.
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