Learn how to make Chocolate Wonton.
Normally we know wanton as spicy Chinese food with little lengthy cooking process. Here it's a home made recipe for delicious & sweet Chocolate Wanton. This recipe can b served as desert also. Children will love it because of rich chocolaty taste.
Preparation time - 5 minutes
Cooking time - 15 minutes
Ingredients to make Chocolate Wanton:
For stuffing:
100 gram Chocolate chips
75 gram grated dark chocolate
25 gram grated sweet chocolate
100 gram chopped roasted nuts
( Almonds, Walnut, Cashew nut, Raisins etc.)
For outer layer:
100 gram refined flour
1 table spoon corn flour
1 table spoon oil
Oil for dip frying
For chocolate sauce:
125 gram dark chocolate
100 gram single fat cream
For toffee sauce:
100 gram sugar
1/2 tea spoon water
20 gram butter
20 gram cream
Method to make Chocolate Wanton:
For outer layer:
Normally we know wanton as spicy Chinese food with little lengthy cooking process. Here it's a home made recipe for delicious & sweet Chocolate Wanton. This recipe can b served as desert also. Children will love it because of rich chocolaty taste.
Preparation time - 5 minutes
Cooking time - 15 minutes
Ingredients to make Chocolate Wanton:
For stuffing:

75 gram grated dark chocolate
25 gram grated sweet chocolate
100 gram chopped roasted nuts
( Almonds, Walnut, Cashew nut, Raisins etc.)
For outer layer:
100 gram refined flour
1 table spoon corn flour
1 table spoon oil
Oil for dip frying
For chocolate sauce:
125 gram dark chocolate
100 gram single fat cream
For toffee sauce:
100 gram sugar
1/2 tea spoon water
20 gram butter
20 gram cream
Method to make Chocolate Wanton:
For outer layer:
- Mix all the ingredients of outer layer and make a soft dough. Cover and keep a side.
For stuffing:
- Mix all the ingredients of stuffing and keep a side. (If you are taking chocolate slab than grate them.)
For Wanton:
- Make small purries from dough and cut them in square shape, stuff it with chocolate mixture and seal like normal wanton. Use water or milk to seal sides.
- Repeat the process for all the wantons.
- Heat oil in a pan and dip fry wanton at medium flame.
- Drain them on absorbent kitchen tissue.
- Hot and delicious chocolate Wantons are ready to serve.
- Serve them with chocolate sauce and toffee sauce or spread sauce over them.
Method to make Chocolate Sauce:
- Mix all the ingredients of chocolate sauce and melt them in microwave.
Method to make Toffee Sauce:
- Heat sugar and water in a pen, when sugar turns brown add butter and let it melt. Add cream and mix well. Let it cook for 1 or 2 minutes.
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