Since you won't need a fire at all for this fun variation on s'mores, these little treats are perfect for a cold, rainy day (of which we've had a few too many of this week). My kids adore this at-home version of the marshmallowy treat and much to my own surprise, not being a big fan of the camping version of s'mores myself, I thought they actually tasted pretty good too. In addition to being very easy (and kid-friendly) to make, I also liked the built-in portion control. Everyone got one marshmallow, which was perfect for satisfying their sweet tooth without overdoing it.
The ingredients:

12-16 large marshmallows
1 cup chocolate chips (I preferred semi-sweet)
1/2 package graham crackers, crushed (or lightly crushed Rice Krispies)
Lollipop sticks (from the craft store) or forks
Directions: Skewer large marshmallows with a lollipop stick or fork. In a microwaveable bowl, heat chocolate chips for two minutes in microwave, stirring every thirty seconds until melted. Dip the marshmallows into the melted chocolate, and using a spoon, coat the marshmallow thoroughly. Immediately sprinkle with crushed graham crackers (or Rice Krispies). Place on wax paper or propped up inside of a heavy mug and place in freezer for 10 minutes to set. Allow to sit at room temperature for about 5 minutes and ENJOY!!!

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