

My dear friend Mari Sterling Wilbur requested i post this swiss roll recipe, not because she does'nt know how to make swiss rolls, she only wants to know how i did my design on this roll.
She has her own designs too. Do visit her exclusive photo blog, she also gives detailed photography tips and tutorials.   http://www.mariscamera.blogspot.com/  

Sponge cake mix        750 grams
Eggs – grade A           12
Water                          150 ml
Cooking Oil                150 ml
1 cup cooking chocolate (melted)
1 drop vanilla essence
Some margarine to line baking tray
4 pieces parchment paper

Pre heat oven to 190C-200C/ 400F
Use 2 rectangular baking  trays 14 X 17 inches 

Put in an electric mixer the eggs and water and whisk. Start with speed # 1 for 5 minutes, then increased to # 3. Whisk until mixture becomes light and fluffy (whitish color).
It is of the right consistency, when you take some with your finger and it doesn’t drop. Once the right consistency is reached, change to #2 and whisk for a few seconds only.
Drizzle about one quarter of the sponge cake mix and whisk again for 25 seconds and stop. 

Fold in the remaining cake mix, also about one quarter at a time, into the mixture using a large metal spoon. Lastly, add in oil and fold in again.


Divide above mixture into two separate bowls.

1- First bowl- add in 600 grams mixture with permitted green food coloring plus a drop of vanilla  and mix well. This mixture will be for the first baking tray.
2- Second bowl, also 600 grams of the mixture with no color added. This is for the second baking second tray
The balance of the mixture- see 3 steps detailed below

Use 2 rectangular baking  trays 14 X 17 inches (for each mixture), line the bottom and sides with parchment paper and grease the paper with some melted margarine.
Fill up with 600 grams for each tray. Level the mixture. Makes two trays.
Balance of the mixtures - 3 steps below.

Step 1- Add some melted cooking chocolate. just enough to produce a light chocolate color to the mixture. Spread evenly, a thin layer of about 1 cm of this light chocolate, at the top of mixture for both trays

Once that is done, do some design work to produce an authentic looking swiss roll. Here goes:-
Step 2- Do some green mixture, enough to/ and fill up inside half (about) a piping bag, compressed it and then snip a tiny bit at the tip of the bag. Mixed amount should be just enough to do zig zag design as in the green photo above.

Step 3- Do another one later, with some melted cooking chocolate added to it. Make this a darker brown than the base color earlier spread (see chocolate photo). Fill up piping bag

Pipe the mixture on top of the cake batter, somewhat like my sketches up there.(zig zag)
When done, spread them all over randomly, using a satay/ tiny stick. Do the same for the chocolate..

Bake in oven for about 9-10 minutes.
Place a larger than cake/ tray size parchment paper (grease proof paper) on a table top. Sprinkle with some flour. (Do the same for the 2nd tray)

The cake is considered done, when the edges shrunk slightly away from the baking tray. Remove the cake from the tray- just loosen the edges and turn onto the flour dusted parchment paper. Quickly peel the lining paper off the cake.
Place a slightly damp clean kitchen towel, on top of the cake. Leave to cool for about 1 hour. This helps prevent the cake from drying and from cracking when you roll it later.

Spread on top of cake with jam or butter cream or whatever spread of your choice. 
(I use  white butter cream)
Place the length side near/ facing you. Then carefully trim about one quarter inch, off the width side (one side only). Place this cut ¼” strip on top, at the edge of the length side (near/ facing you ) …see my photos and sketches.

Roll the cake, away from you. Do it carefully, to ensure that they are evenly rolled up and do not break.  At intervals, push slightly in, the middle part of the cake roll using a plastic roller- so as to get a more even roll.
When done, wrap neatly using a foodie plastic wrap- to keep up the shape and moist.
When ready to serve , cut into slices.
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