
Sweet Macaroni Salad Recipe

There are many ways of preparing macaroni salad. It can be sweet, salty, or even sour. But in our home, macaroni is always sweet. We often serve this recipe for special occasions like birthdays. For now, I still prepare macaroni once in a while even if there’s no occassion because I really love this sweet recipe.

macaroni salad

You may also prepare a sweet macaroni salad for your dessert or your snack. If you’re excited for something sweet and delicious, gather the listed ingredients:
  • 200g elbow macaroni pasta
  • 340g kaong (sugar palm)
  • 300mL condensed milk
  • 160mL mayonnaise
  • 175g cheese (sliced into small cubes)
  • 50g seedless raisins
sliced cheeseelbow macaroni pasta

Here’s how you should prepare the elbow macaroni pasta:

1) Pour 2 liters of water in a cooking pot.
2) Add ½ tbsp salt and 1 tbsp cooking oil.
3) Bring to a boil.
4) Once the water boils, add the macaroni.
5) Boil the pasta uncovered while stirring occasionally for 8 – 10 minutes or until tender and full.
6) Rinse the pasta with tap water and drain thoroughly.

Transfer the rinsed pasta in a large bowl that can contain all the ingredients then follow the instructions below:
1) Pour the mayonnaise and the condensed milk and mix thoroughly.
2) Add the cheese, kaong, and raisins then mix again thoroughly.

Refrigerate and serve cold. Enjoy your sweet macaroni salad!
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