Frog Cupcakes
By: kymama
"These frog faced cupcakes are fun and easy to make for a child's birthday."
Prep Time:25 Min
Cook Time:20 Min
Ready In:45 Min
Original Recipe Yield 24 cupcakes
* 1 (18.25 ounce) package white cake mix
* 1 (16 ounce) can prepared vanilla frosting
* 6 drops green food coloring, or as needed
* 1/4 cup green decorator sugar
* 12 large marshmallows
* 48 semisweet chocolate chips
* 1 drop red food coloring
1. Bake cupcakes according to the directions on the package. Allow them to cool completely.
2. Scoop 2/3 of the frosting into a small bowl and mix with green food coloring. Frost the cupcakes. Sprinkle some of the green sugar over the tops.
3. Cut the marshmallows in half to make two circles. Dip half of each marshmallow piece into water and dip into the green sugar to make the eyelids. The remaining white will be the eyes. Place on the cupcakes. Use a little bit of white icing to glue a chocolate chip into the center of each eye for the pupil.
4. Mix the remaining frosting with red food coloring to make pink. Use the pink icing to draw smiling mouths and nostrils or even tongues on the frogs.
Nutritional Information :
Amount Per Serving Calories: 342 | Total Fat: 15g | Cholesterol: 0mg
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